It's amazing how much popcorn has invaded our lifestyle. Whats not to love about popcorn, right!? Its easy to make, its hot, it smells wonderful, its playful (I'm pretty much an expert on throwing them high and catching them with my mouth). New studies have shown that popcorn is high in antioxidants (polyphenols) which is a group of natural plant chemicals that have a variety of health benefits, its in the same group of compounds that give red wine, tea, olive oil and chocolate their beneficial properties-against cell damage, anti-cancer and keeping a healthy heart. Popcorn is also a whole grain in the same league as oatmeal, barley, brown rice and millet-grains that are also known for their health benefits-all of this grains retain the bran and germ of the plant which is the source of most of the vitamins and minerals. BUT you cant just go to the movies and order popcorn with extra butter and expect it to be healthy haha In order to get this benefits you have to prepare it right, the way its prepared makes all the difference. If popped in oil and doused in butter, they will be so high in fat content that it will completely override many of its good aspects. the best way to prepare it is to air pop them and go very light on the butter. Resist the temptation to shake on too much salt. Try sprinkling a little garlic, salt-free chili powder, or low fat parmesan cheese sprinkles. Its a simple matter of modifying your lifestyle-At the supermarket buy the healthiest ones (take the time and look in the back of the box), when going to the movies get the SMALL popcorn combo even if the large bucket is only 50 cents more. Ordering a medium popcorn and soda combo from a major national movie theater chain is the equivalent of eating three Mcondlads Quarter pounders with 12 pats of butter, according to a new study by the Center for Science in the public Interest. Keep enjoying popcorn, just make it a healthy snack-not something to bitch about at the gym!!
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